Trevor Bivi
Software Engineering Student Home Projects Work Experience About GitHub
Sound Mixer Minecraft Tools RuneScape Bot API
Garden Watering System Tetris Bot Steam Market Analyser
3D Computer Game Phone Game Other Projects
Other Projects
What these are
 This page is dedicated to a variety of projects that don't have their own page. This is either because I completed the project as research for future projects, I already used most of the technologies in other main projects, or they are actively ongoing.

June 2020 - ONGOING
VR Controlled Depth Camera Bot
 This is a 2 person final project being completed for our software engineering degree. The robot is programmed using C++ and Python and communicates to a C# Unity project which shows the live data. We are in the process of using a C++ simulatanious localization and mapping library in order to generate a map of the environment instead of just showing current data.

November 2017
Kinect Camera App
 This is a simple C++ application that works using a Xbox360 3D Kinect Camera. In it's current state, the app displays a rotating point cloud showing the Kinect's vision. Using my academic mathematical knowledge, I developed an algorithm to highlight 90-degree corners using cross product. Additionally, I implemented open source code for parsing STL files and then read an academic paper to implement my own version of an algorithm for finding the minimum distance between a point and a triangle in 3D space. I hope to use the information I have gained during this research to create a localizing bot that uses room information from an STL file or other model to efficiently compute position.

October 2017
Neural Network for Written Digit Recognition
 Making a neural network to recognize digits was a good exercise to learn about machine learning. This is currently the only actual programming project related to machine learning I have completed. I am reading the book Python Machine Learning by S. Raschka and V. Mirjalili that focuses on machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow to improve my machine learning knowledge and hope to think of a good project to put my skills to use soon.

September 2017 - October 2017
Puush Mass Downloader is a file sharing site. The Puush Mass Downloader is a Python program that brute forces URLs and automatically downloads files set to be public visibility. This program made use of modules such as Requests, threading and TKinter to make a program that's fast and easy to use interface.

May 2017
Blog Talk Radio Mass Downloader
 Blog talk radio is a site that allows people to host and listen to podcasts. Unfortunately for listeners, there isn't a convenient way to download multiple podcasts from their favorite host. This script solves the issue and allows people to download as many pages of podcast episodes as they desire.

April 2017
Roblox Aim Bot
 This is a Python project I made to automatically aim at players head's in the game Roblox. I replaced the head texture with solid bright pink. I then used win32api and PIL determine when a desired aim bot button was pressed, to take screenshots, search for pink pixels and automatically move the mouse to aim. If I were to remake this project in the future it would be better to use memory address reading techniques like I did for my Minecraft Bot API.